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Salt Water Pools

Installing, servicing, and repairing Saltwater Systems in the St. Louis County MO Area

Salt-chlorinated pool water is silkier and leaves your skin feeling less dried out than traditionally chlorinated pool water does.

Thinking of switching to Saltwater?


Unmatched Convenience

Keep your pool water clear and inviting with electrolytic chlorine generation—the easiest, most effective and convenient way to maintain your pool. You get the same sanitation performance as manual chlorine addition without all the drawbacks.

Effortless Chlorination

Simply adjust the output to achieve the precise level of chlorine. iChlor does the rest, automatically producing a steady stream of pure chlorine for softer, silkier pool water that’s free of bacteria and other contaminants. What could be easier? Once the chlorine has finished purifying the pool of contaminants, it reverts back into dissolved salt and the cycle repeats.

SmartSense™ Detection

Our advanced features deliver consistent operation and important safeguards to protect your family.

• Detects most automatic pool covers
• Reduces chlorine output when the automatic pool cover is closed
• Detects IntelliFlo® Pump activity
• Prevents the generation of chlorine when the pump is not activated


Myth: Saltwater pools are "chlorine-free"

Saltwater pool systems are chlorine generators that produce chlorine from the salt in the water using a process called electrolysis. Electrolysis is a technique that uses direct electric current to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Sending electricity through saltwater (sodium chloride, or NaCl), which interacts with the chloride ion in the salt. This creates chlorine in the water, and a very high-pH byproduct called sodium Hydroxide

We primarily install Hayward and Pentair Salt Chlorine Systems